
We have recently updated all the news related to the audio industry. Our team has been diligently gathering information on the latest developments, trends, and advancements in this field. Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates from the world of audio.
Digico Q338

In 2024, we are excited to announce a significant upgrade to our inventory. We have invested in the flagship digital mixer, the DiGiCo Quantum 338, which is renowned for its exceptional sound quality and advanced features. Accompanying this state-of-the-art mixer is the SD Rack, utilizing 32-bit technology to ensure stunning audio performance. This new setup is designed to meet the diverse needs of both local and international artists, allowing us to provide them with the best possible sound experience.

Ten Years After Audio, Are now on AVL Asia Magazine
We extend our heartfelt thanks to AVL Asia Magazine for the insightful interview featuring one of our valued clients, who has chosen d&b audiotechnik for their club located in the vibrant heart of Bangkok.
This collaboration stands as a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional sound solutions that enhance the nightlife experience.
The club, with its dynamic atmosphere and cutting-edge technology, embodies the spirit of innovation that d&b represents.
We take pride in being a part of this exciting project and look forward to continuing our partnership as we bring unparalleled audio experiences to audiences in this bustling city.
Thank you again to AVL Asia Magazine for shining a spotlight on our work and celebrating the synergy between art and technology in the realm of live entertainment.


d&b audiotechnik - Official service partner Thailand
The service team has been trained by experts to ensure optimal performance and customer satisfaction. Their training has provided them with the necessary expertise to deliver excellent service and resolve problems efficiently.
Contact for d&b audiotechnik service partner

October 2023

Ten Years After Audio, Are now d&b audiotechnik Official SL series Rental partner Thailand
Our audio crew has undergone extensive training in both software and hardware to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills to deliver the best audio experience. With their expertise, they are able to optimize the use of various tools and technologies to achieve the desired outcome. With their dedication and knowledge, we can guarantee that our team will always deliver top-notch audio quality for your projects.
October 2023